comprehensive safety inspection of xiangyin road tunnel in june flood sean-爱游戏官网登录入口

 comprehensive safety inspection of xiangyin road tunnel in june flood sean-爱游戏官网登录入口
comprehensive safety inspection of xiangyin road tunnel in june flood sean

according to the unified deployment of the group safety committee, the activities of "safety production month" in 2023 were carried out on june 19, wang baoping, executive director of the group and leader of the safety committee, and jiang yun, vice president of the group and leader in charge of xiangyin road, went to xiangyin road tunnel to conduct a comprehensive safety inspection with the maintenance company. considering the characteristics of frequent and heavy rainfall during the flood season this year, the inspection focused on the operation of video surveillance in the central control room, rainwater pump room and power distribution room, as well as the implementation of safety measures. in this inspection, the safety measures for the normal operation of various facilities in xiangdian road tunnel are in place. after the inspection, mr. wang asked the staff of xiangyin road tunnel to strengthen their safety awareness, be good at finding and solving problems, and ensure the normal operation of xiangyin road tunnel.
